Great ingredients make for great meals. Whenever you can, use the highest quality supplies for your recipes. The flavor difference will always come through in your finished dish.

If there is an ingredient that you are not familiar with, check our Ingredient section. There are pages and pages of information about the ingredients used in my recipes.


Ingredient Information


Nutmeg is sold both as the whole seed and ground. The seed is about an inch long and oval shaped with a light brown skin. Grinding your nutmeg fresh, like grinding any spice fresh, is far superior to any ground nutmeg that you can purchase.

I have a nutmeg grater. These come in a variety of styles but the one I have is made by Zyliss. It has a little cylinder that the nutmeg fits into and then is held in place with a spring. As you run the holder back and forth over the grater there's no chance of grating your knuckles. A must for any serious chef.