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Ask Dr. Gourmet

Are all Dr. Gourmet recipes really OK for type 2 diabetics?

I have a question about your recipes and a statement on the website. The statement is: "All of the Dr. Gourmet recipes and meal plans are based on Mediterranean Diet principles and are perfect for those with Type 2 diabetes."

Very simply the question is does this mean that all recipes are suitable for anyone with type 2 diabetes as long as the side bar notes are taken into consideration? For example, I am a chef and I have one client who loves chicken cacciatore. As long as he is not on any blood thinner (your site lists Coumadin/warfarin, I am stretching it to all blood thinners) I can use the recipe with parsley. Correct? Again, this question would apply to all the recipes on your site.

Dr. Gourmet Says...

Chicken Cacciatore

Great to hear from you and thanks for your question. We now know that following Mediterranean diet principles is the best way for Type 2 diabetics to eat. The key is to choose lean meat and great quality fish. Selecting whole grains, legumes, lots of veggies, and fruit, along with good quality fats and dairy.

The Chicken Cacciatore is a great example of this. Olive oil, veggies, lean poultry, great cheese, and whole wheat pasta. It is high in monounsaturated fat, low in saturated fat, has about 1/3 the daily allowance of fiber and less than 500 mg sodium. These are the keys when I am creating recipes and this works great for diabetics.

I can't say that EVERY recipe on the website would be ideal for diabetics if reviewed individually. Checking the sidebar is key, as you say. There are desserts and such that may be higher in sugar, for instance. Likewise, having white rice as part of a healthy diet is OK but it's best balanced with brown rice and other high fiber whole grains. Eating healthy for diabetics - as well as everyone else - is about that balance.

Thanks for writing,

Timothy S. Harlan, MD, FACP, CCMS
Dr. Gourmet